Sometimes it’s a good learning experience to try and reimplement some of the functionality that a standard library provides. So how much does it take to reimplement the simple parts of a GenServer?

The simple parts

A GenServer provides you with a lot of functionality out of the box:

The goal of a GenServer is to abstract the “receive” loop for developers, automatically handling system messages, support code change, synchronous calls and more
The GenServer docs

Let’s focus on implementing the “receive” loop, synchronous calls and making sure that it fits in Supervision tree.

We’re going to more or less implement the Stack example from the GenServer docs but without using a GenServer.

Creating the project and the first Stack module

We need a project to get us started and we’re going to need a supervisor. So mix new stack --sup is is.

Start out simple by defining the interface we want. We’ll need push and pop functions to be a stack. And if we want to start the stack as worker child of the appliction Supervisor we’ll also need a start_link function.

defmodule SimpleStack do
  def push(item) do

  def pop() do

  def start_link() do

The start_link function

We’re not going for anything like a full re-implementation of GenServer so let’s try and keep our start_link as simple as possible. Reading over the start_link/3 docs and looking at the possible return values we see that we´re supposed to return a {:ok, pid} tuple with the pid of the server.

Start out by adding SimpleStack to the Supervisor in Stack

  children = [
      # Starts a worker by calling: Stack.Worker.start_link(arg1, arg2, arg3)
      # worker(Stack.Worker, [arg1, arg2, arg3]),
      worker(SimpleStack, [])

Running the application now (mix run) will result in a error:

** (Mix) Could not start application stack: Stack.start(:normal, []) returned an error: shutdown: failed to start child: SimpleStack
** (EXIT) nil

So let’s start working on that start_link function. Should be simple enough: We just need to start a new process with spawn_link and return it’s pid.

defmodule SimpleStack do
  require Logger

  def start_link() do
    pid = spawn_link(fn () -> Logger.debug "Started" end)
    {:ok, pid}

  def push(item) do end
  def pop() do end

Let’s try running that again: mix run --no-halt

21:14:16.783 [debug] Started

21:14:16.783 [debug] Started

21:14:16.783 [debug] Started

21:14:16.783 [debug] Started

Well, that didn’t work. But what is going on? Try adding max_restarts: 10 to the options sent to the supervisor like so:

# See
# for other strategies and supported options
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Stack.Supervisor, max_restarts: 10]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

Then run the application again. Now we get our [debug] Started ten times. So the supervisor keeps calling start_link.

Time to fire up iex and do some digging:

Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] [dtrace]

Interactive Elixir (1.3.1) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
iex(1)> pid = spawn_link(fn () -> IO.puts "Started" end)
iex(2)> Process.alive? pid

Ah! Out process stops as soon as its done its work. The supervisor sees this and then restarts the process and keeps doing it until it reaches its max_restarts limit.

The receive loop

Processes communicate via messages and each process has its own mailbox. We can use the receive do end statement to wait for messages to arrive at our mailbox. First let’s start out by listening for a :pop message that we’ll use to support the pop functionality of our stack.

I’ve changed the spaw_link statement so that we can move the receive loop into its own function:

def start_link() do
    pid = spawn_link(__MODULE__, :receiver, [[]])

    {:ok, pid}

  def push(item) do
    #Add something here...

  def pop() do end

  def receiver(state) do
    state = receive do
      {:push, element} ->
        [element | state]
      _ ->
        Logger.warn("Unexpected messaged received")

The receiver function implements the receive loop. It gets initialized with an empty list. The receive statement lets us patterne match on incomming messages. We handle a {:push, element} message by adding the new element to the front of the list and after doing so we call the receiver recursively to wait for the next message.


Next up is implementing the push/1 function in the SimpleStack module. We know that we need to send a {:push, element} message to the process we created in start_link. But how do we find the pid of that process again?

You know how you can register a GenServer with a name by calling something like this: GenServer.start_link(Stack, [:hello], name: MyStack).

Turns out that giving a process a name is a pretty useful feature, and a feature that is provided by Process.register/2.

Great, well extend the start_link function to use that.

def start_link() do
  pid = spawn_link(__MODULE__, :receiver, [[]])
  Process.register(pid, :stack)
  {:ok, pid}

def push(element) do
  send(:stack, {:push, element})

And now the push/1 function can easily send a message to the process with: send(:stack, {:push, element}).

And so we have a simple form of GenServer.cast.

Returning a response

The last thing we need to be able handle synchronous calls. Again we do this by sending messages. We’ll define a new message: {:pop, pid}. So besides telling that we want to perform a pop on the stack we’ll also send along the PID of the process to send the result to.

def pop() do
  # Send the pop message with the PID of the current process.
  send(:stack, {:pop, self()})

  # And wait for the response
  receive do
    {:ok, element} ->
    _ ->
      Logger.warn("Unexpected messaged received")

def receiver(state) do
  state = receive do
    {:push, element} ->
      [element | state]
    {:pop, caller} ->

      [element | tail] = state
      send(caller, {:ok, element})

    _ ->
      Logger.warn("Unexpected messaged received")

The calling function pop/0 starts by sending the :pop message. It finds its own PID by calling self(). Then it waits for the response message with receive.

The :pop message is handled we take the first element, send it to the calling process and then recursively call the receiver/1 function with the popped stack.

And there we have the synchronous call we wanted. You can find the completed code here if you want to play around with it.